Now they're being led astray again, 
Forgetting the battle we are facing 
It’s showtime, but you're supporting 
The foundations we are kicking 
Watch me I can play at 90,000 notes an hour 
Know me for my power chords, 
Not supporting of state power 
I can play so fucking fast, if you don’t 
Move I’ll kick your arse 
We’re so fuckin’ tight we squeak, 
In fact my band are quite unique 

"That heavy metal driving sound, that’s a real challenge 
Three quid to stare at some thick arse, don’t complain you're broke 
Tough shit, you're not fooling us, the joke’s on you 
Follow and they’ll lead you, right up the garden path" 

"You can’t handle I’m the best, the tunes, the power, fuck the rest! 
The hordes they flock in cool as ice, 
Don’t question me, I’m always right 
Call that a fucking solo, I’ll do better with ten pints in me 
Listen to my voice, I’m really fucking angry" 

"Seen my bird, my Satan tattoos 
I'm here to get fucked right out my nut 
I'm jacking up, then falling down, 
But the lights, the dry ice, the stage act" 
Have you ever thought of directing energy towards action? 
"Action, I’d sooner fuck my motorbike" 
You pile of sexist, drugged up macho shit; 
You're a hindrance not a help 
So go on bang your head harder, 
We hope it drops right off 

Understand this, you might not agree with what they say, do, or stand for 
You may just like the music and if that’s 
All that concerns you fair enough 
But don’t ride along on the back of change, 
To play to all us caring, staring people 
Forget it, we won’t be fooled again 
If a tune becomes so fucking important, 
If all that’s talked about is notes, 
Chords and bands, when a records becomes rebellion 
An alternative to action 
An excuse for doing nothing you helps them... to oppress us